Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Death of Traditional Blogs by Micro-blogging?

It has come to the attention of bloggers that the introduction of micro-blogs has indeed vastly reduced the usage of traditional blogs. Micro-blogs aka Social networks are less tedious to maintain than traditional blogs. In which they do not require its owners to do much rather than simply sharing things - majority of them would only provide a text box and upload media button; todays most popular microblogging website would be Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest. (Social Media Today, 2014)

The more important question to ask is if micro-blogging will in fact result in traditional blogs to totally fade out in the near future. While it is highly probable that micro-blogs have caused the drop in traditional blog usage (Technorati), it is important to note their very core purposes. In my opinion, micro-blogs; due to its less heavy contents, are used more so as to share things with friends - which comes to notion social network; as it is used for establishing and maintaining relations. What more due to its popularity, using social networks have simply become too convenient and are simply effective and efficient to use for social purposes.

On the other hand, traditional blogs are more heavy on content whereby it is usually lengthier as it usually addresses an opinion, view, or something of sharing by its owner. Traditional blogs would usually encompass a more defined niche in which its posts would operate from. I.e. Politics, Cooking, Self-development, Life-adventures.

To conclude, micro-blogging will not cause the ultimate downfall of traditional blogs - rather significantly reduce the usage due to a minute amount suited for more defined interests. Traditional blogs will continue to flourish in whichever interest niche it operates from as there will continue to be people who will want to spend time reading more in depth information on their interests.


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