Thursday, April 24, 2014

Designing Good Powerpoint Slides

Today, Microsoft PowerPoint have become an integral part of a majority of presentations. PowerPoint allows its user to go through a series of slides in order to present an idea, an assignment or even a plan. Due to wide accessibility of PowerPoint, it has became the staple presentation software for students, lecturers, business people, and anyone who wants to pitch an idea. With the latest upgrades to PowerPoint, users are now open to even more features such as including videos, hyperlinks, preset design fonts, and music.

To create good a PowerPoint slide, it is important to refer back to the basics of communication design. This can be referred back to Kress, G. & van Leeuwen (KvL). KvL discusses about the new ways of visual communication today, in which would suggest that communicative material should include pictures that narrate in tandem with the words written. (Kress, 2006) To apply, this means that slides should always be accompanied by pictures to facilitate salience for its viewers. (Karen, 1997)

It's good to note that today's PowerPoint slides also allow for videos and music to be included, depending on the type of presentation and the target audience, PowerPoint slides could include interesting videos (Melanie, 2013) - this will give the viewer more reason to pay attention as well as potentially make the presenters part in describing easier. Music on the other hand, should be picked carefully as it is uncommon; should be instrumental - music can be accompanied by presentations with more emotions attached to it.

Lastly, placement of materials in the slides are also important. For instance tendencies to read from left to right should be considered; in addition, the balancing of words and the margins should also be considered as to not disorient and cause miscommunication to the viewer.

P.s. This guide assumes that the presenter is understands his/her topic well and are able to apply the techniques present with relevant media alongside the presentation topic.

Karen A. Schriver. 1997. Dynamics in document design : creating texts for readers. The interplay of words and pictures. New York. Wiley Computer Pub. Ch. 6, pp. 361-441

Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. 2006. Reading images. Chapter 1. pg 23-34

Melanie, P. Lifehacker: How Can I Make My PowerPoint Presentations Amazing?

New Media Trends in Publishing

The increasing reliance on computers has resulted in huge development in website media. Such is observable with popular video streaming website Youtube. In the past, video creation and uploading was a task carried out by skilled and more professional video makers. The introduction of Youtube has hence allowed everybody to post their own videos on the website - also adding in a social feature whereby viewers are able to comment and post responses.

This has hence stirred various new possibilities in internet video streaming. With the social feature, people are able to gain subscribers to their channel, in which had a potentiality to gain income from Youtube itself as a partner; this has caused sole and private video making to be a viable career for anyone with the ideas. (Haydn,2012) I.e. Smosh, Nigahiga, Raywilliamjohnson.

In addition to that, Youtube has also brought advertising to its social medias as companies begin uploading very interesting advertisements for viewers - not forgetting the fact that Youtube also sells sponsored adds. Advertising is no longer limited to newspapers, television or radio - it has gone onto the internet as popular video media.

Lastly, it has come to attention that a company called Mind Valley had made it's job applicants use Youtube video as a way of presenting themselves for a job position rather than a traditional resume. This is a win-win as the company attains great social feedback as well are ensured their workforce are of creative and confident talents.

To conclude, the introduction of  social video streaming has resulted in a myriad of great possibilities; it is noteworthy that great opportunity also presents equal negativity. I.e. Politics, Gossip. It is therefore important to utilize new medias for a positive purpose. 

Haydn, A. (2012). How To Build a YouTube Audience and Forge a Creative Career. Enterprise Innovation. Web. Date Accessed: 24/4/14

How To Make Blog Contents Attractive

With all the new web technologies and media available today, creating a blog is quite similar to creating a portfolio or a resume; it has to stand out, and it has to be visually appealing. Readers are as similar to the HR personnel reviewing your documents, if it's just like any other, perhaps you will not get a follow up in the future; on the other hand, if it's interesting and it is something of value, you may just get a reader, or a job interview.

1) Define the niche
A blog must have a defined niche in which to operate from; for instance, a blog that features reviews on sports cars, cooking blogs, and so on. a blog needs to maintain it's posts within the context of its niche.

2) Communicate information and cater them appropriately
Depending on the type of niche, a blog should also cater it's media appropriately. I.e. A photography blog without many photos would be rather pointless. Other media such as videos, downloads, music would be a bonus.

3) Add a human touch to the blog
When the blogger adds a personal touch to a blog it allows its readers to feel closer and more attached to the blog. This can be done by posting replies to comments, or even chatting with readers.

4) Consistency of posts
Important issue is the consistency and continuation of the blog posts that will ultimately lead to an attractive blog. A reader would not be adding a blog which last blog post was 1 year ago to their RSS feed.


The Death of Traditional Blogs by Micro-blogging?

It has come to the attention of bloggers that the introduction of micro-blogs has indeed vastly reduced the usage of traditional blogs. Micro-blogs aka Social networks are less tedious to maintain than traditional blogs. In which they do not require its owners to do much rather than simply sharing things - majority of them would only provide a text box and upload media button; todays most popular microblogging website would be Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest. (Social Media Today, 2014)

The more important question to ask is if micro-blogging will in fact result in traditional blogs to totally fade out in the near future. While it is highly probable that micro-blogs have caused the drop in traditional blog usage (Technorati), it is important to note their very core purposes. In my opinion, micro-blogs; due to its less heavy contents, are used more so as to share things with friends - which comes to notion social network; as it is used for establishing and maintaining relations. What more due to its popularity, using social networks have simply become too convenient and are simply effective and efficient to use for social purposes.

On the other hand, traditional blogs are more heavy on content whereby it is usually lengthier as it usually addresses an opinion, view, or something of sharing by its owner. Traditional blogs would usually encompass a more defined niche in which its posts would operate from. I.e. Politics, Cooking, Self-development, Life-adventures.

To conclude, micro-blogging will not cause the ultimate downfall of traditional blogs - rather significantly reduce the usage due to a minute amount suited for more defined interests. Traditional blogs will continue to flourish in whichever interest niche it operates from as there will continue to be people who will want to spend time reading more in depth information on their interests.


The Benefits of Blogs to Communities

Today, man kind has reached a level whereby communication technologies present are at levels unimaginable to people 20 years back. Such has occured with the introduction of the world wide web (WWW); a virtual domain whereby people could use to communicate and share information. Within the past 10 years, a popular notion called blog has become a trend. A blog could be summarized as a virtual diary, and potentially even a public domain for sharing information; is available easily as it is free-or-cheap to maintain.

The following are the benefits a blog can bring to a society:-
1) Blogs allow the freedom of information of different perspectives on the world wide web - assuming the country that it is hosted in allows for freedom of information.
I.e. Political blogs are able to express their opinions, general people are able to express their views on current issues.
2) Blogs are a new avenue for people to pursue their interests and share it to the world.
I.e. Blogs such as, are examples of very successful South East Asian blogs that has a very big following, this allowed the blogger to start their own unique career.

The following are the drawbacks a blog can bring to a society:-
1) Freedom of information can be a double-edged sword. With the overload of information available on the internet, blogs (which may be bias in opinions) may cause misinformation to the readers whom are unable to view other perspectives - this is apparent in political blogs.

2) Uninformed or unaware bloggers may over-share their personal life - as blogs are popularly deemed as online diaries, there are tendencies for bloggers to overly express themselves which may cause problems within their personal privacy.

Lai, Chih-Hui 2011, ‘A multifaceted perspective on blogs and society: examples of blogospheres in Southeast and East Asia’, Journal of International CommunicationVol 17, Issue 1, 51-72.